I wanted to take this opportunity to personally and professionally thank you for the outstanding job you did with our waste management project, it was excellent. I was particularly impressed with the amount of work you were able to accomplish under the severe time constraints we were placed under.
The innovative use of the various technologies and equipment was outstanding and allowed our sites to be responsible to the environment, save the Company money, and increase efficiency at the same tame. That was truly amazing. I feel that your constant communication with local management garnished added support from the sites themselves and made them feel they were part of the process as they truly are, and enabled the process to be much smoother than anticipated.
Again, thank you for everything, and we look forward to a long, mutually successful relationship together.
The project is now in full motion. You have been simplifying the most complex trash, recycling, and environmental issues. We have been learning about a whole new world, that prior to meeting you was just garbage. It was an eye-opening and educational experience. The best part of it was that you were able to create enough savings, to make our CFO just as excited, and even more than the savings was the simplicity and stability of the billing process.